Chapter | Word | Meaning | Derivatives |
XXV | lingua, -æ, f. | tounge; language | (linguist, linguistics, bilingual, lingo, linguine) |
XXV | ferox, gen. ferocis | fierce, savage | (ferocious, ferocity) |
XXV | fidelis, fidele | faithful, loyal | (fidelity, infidelity, infidel) |
XXV | geminus, -a, -um | twin | (geminate, gemination, Gemini) |
XXV | sapiens, gen. sapientis | as adj.: wise, judicious as noun: a wise man, philosopher |
(homo sapiens, sapience, insipience, sapid, insipid, verbum sapienti, savant, sage) |
XXV | ultimus, -a, -um | farthest, extreme; last, final | (ultimate, ultimatum, penultimate, antepenult) |
XXV | dehinc, adv. | then | |
XXV | hic, adv. | here | |
XXV | ait, aiunt | he says, they say, assert | commonly used in connection with proverbs and anecdotes (adage) |
XXV | credo, credere, credidi, creditum + acc. or dat. | to believe, trust | (credence, credentials, credible, creed, credit, miscreant, grant) |
XXV | iaceo, iacere, iacui | to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead | (adjacent, adjacency, interjacent, subjacent, gist, joist, do not confuse with iacio, iacere) |
XXV | nego (1) | to deny, say that...not | (negate, negative, abnegate, renegade, renege, denial, runagate) |
XXV | nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum | not to know, be ignorant | (nice) |
XXV | nuntio (1) | to announce, report, relate | (denounce, enunciate, pronounce, renounce, nuncio; cp pronuntio, nuntius, -i,messenger) |
XXV | patefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum | to make open, open; disclose, expose | |
XXV | puto (1) | to clean, trim; reckon, suppose, judge, think, imagine | (compute, count, account, depute, dispute, impute, putative, repute, amputate) |
XXV | spero (1) | to hope for, hope | regularly + fut. inf. in ind. state. (despair, desperado, desperate, desperation, prosper) |
XXV | suscipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum (sub-capio) | to undertake | (susceptible, susceptibility) |